Level D

The SE-ZERT® Level D is assigned to students from a licensed university only. The university has shown compliance to ISO15288 and the INCOSE handbook. These courses are qualified trainer and certified.

In the context of SE-ZERT® Level D the following knowledge will be communicated: 

  • In-depth knowledge of Systems Engineering and Systems Engineering Management
  • Knowing, understand and apply symbol or domain specific language
  • Understand domain specific methods and procedures to gain knowledge
  • Ability to participate on the task of a Systems Engineer in a project or subproject and take the corresponding technical responsibility.
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary SE-team.

The overall goal of the training for SE-ZERT® level D is to teach trainees to understand methods and procedures of systems engineering in-depth and to enable trainees to apply them within systems tasks on a basic level. Additionally, this training shall leverage the knowledge differences resulting from different career paths.

The primary goal for modules one to nine is „understand“, though the goal for the functional areas Requirements Management, Verification, Validation and Systems Engineering Management and in Implementation Processes is „apply“.

Application Requirements:

Technical Qualification Professional Experience
none Student from a licensed university (course)

Anyone who has the above experience and has attended a licensed course at a university. This must be signed by the professor acting as focal point for the SE-ZERT® program.

The exam is structured according to the topics of the nine modules. The weighting and type of questions is according to the following rules:

  • Multiple choice and open questions are only used as knowledge question.
  • The total number of questions is 50 (42 multiple choice and 8 essay questions / free text response).
  • Each correctly answered multiple choice question gains one point.
  • A completely correct answered essay questions gains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 points depending on its difficultness.

The exam duration is 120 minutes and is passed with 67 % of the possible points. In case of failing the exam, the applicant can request a repetition of the exam at next opportunity, earlies one month after receiving the exam result. No additional exams for Level D after failing the third attempt.